Airbus reveals its vision of flying in 2050

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The cabin of the future designed by Airbus

From the Guardian:

A futuristic concept of air travel in which passengers will be able to gaze up at sunny or starry skies through a transparent cabin has been presented by planemaker Airbus .

The concept cabin for travellers in 2050 would be a bionic structure that mimics the efficiency of bird bone.

It would provide strength where needed, and also allows for an “intelligent” cabin wall membrane which controls air temperature and can become transparent to give passengers open, panoramic views.

The cabin would have seats that fit passengers’ body shapes and travellers might be able to read bedtime stories to their children back home, Airbus said.

Showing off its concept cabin, the company also said that mid-century passengers might be able to enjoy a game of virtual golf or take part in interactive conferences, while the cabin “identifies and responds” to travellers’ needs.

The cabin of the future follows last year’s unveiling of the Airbus concept plane, packed with technologies to reduce fuel burn, emissions, waste and noise.

More from the source here.