Hipmunk living large with new iPad flight search app

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From Tnooz:

Hipmunk released an iPad app which offers larger results to better decipher airline names and access more itinerary details.

The travel metasearch site’s Flight Search app for iPhone already was compatible with the iPad, of course, but now Hipmunk has launched a dedicated iPad app.

Actually, says Adam Goldstein, Hipmunk cofounder and CEO, there is one “universal” app for the two devices, with each getting its own unique features.

You can download the Hipmunk universal iOS application here and you’ll automatically received the device-appropriate app.

In addition to the larger font sizes, when you tap itineraries on Hipmunk flight search for iPad you can view additional details, including things such as layover details and aircraft types, Goldstein says.

Another differentiator from the iPhone app is that on the iPad you can view Hipmunk “sliders” to filter desired arrival and departure times.

And, the iPad app provides “an easy way to switch between recent searches directly from the results view, without re-running your old searches,” Goldstein adds.

Both the iPhone and new iPad apps feature Hipmunk’s signature Agony index in which flights are sorted by factors including flight duration, number of layovers and, of course, price.

Unlike the Kayak flight search iPhone app, Hipmunk doesn’t optionally process any flight bookings itself, but hands off users via the Safari mobile browser in traditional travel metasearch style to airline or online travel agency websites for bookings.

Hipmunk earns a $3 commission on successful bookings on third-party sites, according to The New York Times.

With the Hipmunk apps, users also can receive a finish code to book the flight they initially searched via the app, later on a computer.

That’s particularly useful for mobile users who may be conducting searches on their mobile devices under a variety of circumstances, but may want the ease of booking their flights on a computer.

In tandem with the release of the iPad app today, Hipmunk also streamlined the interface of its iPhone app to enable travelers to search faster, the company says.

Whether living large with the iPad app or conducting sleek searches on the iPhone, Hipmunk’s goal is less agony all around.

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