Million Dollar Home Page for Travel?

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Remember the Million Dollar Home Page? Brainchild of Alex Tew in 2005 the site rented pixel space on its home page at the rate of $1 per pixel. Tew rapidly filled the page, collected a not insignificant sum, and then paid his way through college (that was the public aim of his website). His creative idea spawned thousands (if not tens of thousands) of online lookalikes, but none ever gained much traction or revenue.

Now comes Similar to the Million Dollar Home Page, Tourmillion sells pixel space on its website to travel companies. Each pixel sells for 50 cents, with a minimum of a 10×10 pixel square for $50. The site was developed by Alcatraz Media an online provider of tours and activities based in Atlanta, Georgia. Could this be a new distribution model for the travel industry?

The jury is still out on how well Tourmillion will do.