Your Genes. But Are They Your Intellectual Property?

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The genetic code buried deep within your cells, described in a unique sequence encoded in your DNA, defines who you are at the most fundamental level. The 20,000 or so genes in your genome establish how you are constructed and how you function (and malfunction). These genes are common to many, but their expression belongs to only you. Yet, companies are out to patent strings of this genetic code. While many would argue that patent ownership is a sound business strategy, in most industries, it is morally indefensible in this case. Rafts of bio-ethicists have argued the pros and cons of patenting animal and human genetic information for decades, and as we speak a case has made it to the U.S. Supreme Court. Can a company claim ownership of your genetic code? While the rights of business over those of an individual’s genetic code are dubious at best, it is clear that public consensus and a clear ethical framework, and consequently a sound legal doctrine, lag far behind the actual… Read more