Txt-Speak: Linguistic Scourge or Beautiful New Language?

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OMG! DYK wot Ur Teen is txtng? yoF2vdLxsVQ Most parents of teenagers would undoubtedly side with the first characterization: texting is a disaster for the English language — and any other texted language for that matter. At first glance it would seem that most linguists and scholars of language would agree. After all, with seemingly non-existent grammar, poor syntax, complete disregard for spelling, substitution of symbols for words, and emphasis on childish phonetics, how can texting be considered anything more than a regression to a crude form of proto-human language? Well, linguist John McWhorter holds that texting is actually a new form of speech, and for that matter, it’s rather special and evolving in real-time. LOL? Read on and you will be 😮 (surprised). Oh, and if you still need help with texting translation, check-out dtxtr. From ars technica: Is texting shorthand a convenience, a catastrophe for the English language, or actually something new and special? John… Read more