Gnarly Names

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By most accounts the internet is home to around 650 million websites, of which around 200 million are active. About 8,000 new websites go live every hour of every day. These are big numbers and the continued phenomenal growth means that it’s increasingly difficult to find a unique and unused domain name (think website). So, web entrepreneurs are getting creative with website and company names, with varying degrees of success. From Wall Street Journal: The New York cousins who started a digital sing-along storybook business have settled on the name Mibblio. The Australian founder of a startup connecting big companies to big-data scientists has dubbed his service Kaggle. The former toy executive behind a two-year-old mobile screen-sharing platform is going with the name Shodogg. And the Missourian who founded a website giving customers access to local merchants and service providers? He thinks it should be called Zaarly. Quirky names for startups first surfaced about 20… Read more