A Smarter Smart Grid

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If you live somewhere rather toasty you know how painful your electricity bills can be during the summer months. So, wouldn’t it be good to have a system automatically find you the cheapest electricity when you need it most? Welcome to the artificially intelligent smarter smart grid. From the New Scientist: An era is coming in which artificially intelligent systems can manage your energy consumption to save you money and make the electricity grid even smarter IF YOU’RE tired of keeping track of how much you’re paying for energy, try letting artificial intelligence do it for you. Several start-up companies aim to help people cut costs, flex their muscles as consumers to promote green energy, and usher in a more efficient energy grid – all by unleashing smart software on everyday electricity usage. Several states in the US have deregulated energy markets, in which customers can choose between several energy providers competing for their business. But the different tariff… Read more