Are You in the 18 Percent? A Cave Beckons

Cosmos, creationism, Neil deGrasse Tyson, pseudoscience, Technology
According to a recent survey, 18 percent of U.S. citizens believe that the sun revolves around the earth. And, another survey suggests that 30 percent believe in the literal “truth” of the bible and 40 percent believe in intelligent design. The surveys, apparently, were of functioning adults. I have to suspect that a similar number of adults believe in the fat reducing power of soap. A number of vociferous advocates of creationism-as-science have recently taken to the airwaves to demand equal time — believing their (pseudo)-scientific views should stand on a par with real science. Astrophysicist and presenter of the re-made Cosmos series, Neil deGrasse Tyson recently provided his eloquent take on these scientific naysayers, “If you don’t know science in the 21st century, just move back to the cave,…
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