3D Printing Coming to a Home Near You

Innovation, Technology
It seems that not too long ago we were writing about pioneering research into 3D printing and start-up businesses showing off their industrially focused, prototype 3D printers. Now, only a couple of years later there is a growing, consumer market, home-based printers for under $3,000, and even a a 3D printing expo -- 3D Printshow. The future looks bright and very much three dimensional. From the Independent: It is Star Trek science made reality, with the potential for production-line replacement body parts, aeronautical spares, fashion, furniture and virtually any other object on demand. It is 3D printing, and now people in Britain can try it for themselves. The cutting-edge technology, which layers plastic resin in a manner similar to an inkjet printer to create 3D objects, is on its way…
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