How Great Companies Fail

Innovation, Strategy
A fascinating case study shows how Microsoft failed its employees through misguided HR (human resources) policies that pitted colleague against colleague. From the Guardian: The idea for today's off-topic note came to me when I read "Microsoft's lost decade", an aptly titled Vanity Fair story. In the piece, Kurt Eichenwald tracks Microsoft's decline as he revisits a decade of technical missteps and bad business decisions. Predictably, the piece has generated strong retorts from Microsoft's Ministry of Truth and from Ballmer himself ("It's not been a lost decade for me!" he barked from the tumbrel). But I don't come to bury Caesar – not, yet, I'll wait until actual numbers for Windows 8 and the Surface tablets emerge. Instead, let's consider the centerpiece of Eichenwald's article, his depiction of the cultural…
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