Hyperloop: Not Your Father’s High-Speed Rail

Innovation, Technology, Travel
Europe and Japan have been leading the way with their 200-300 mph bullet trains for several decades. While the United States still tries to play catch up, one serial entrepreneur has other ideas. For Elon Musk, the bullet train is so, well, yesterday. He has in mind a ground based system that would hurtle people around at speeds of 4,000 mph. Welcome to Hyperloop. From Slate: High-speed rail is so 20th century. Well, perhaps not in the United States, where we still haven’t gotten around to building any true bullet trains. After 30 years of dithering, California is finally working on one that would get people from Los Angeles to San Francisco in a little under 2 1/2 hours, but it could cost on the order of $100 billion and…
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