MondayMap: Mississippi is Syria; Colorado is Slovenia

comparison, life expectancy, MondayMap, Technology
A fascinating map re-imagines life expectancy in the United States, courtesy of Olga Khazan over at The premise of this map is a simple one: match the average life expectancy for each state of the union with that of a country having a similar rate. Voila. The lowest life expectancy rate belongs to Mississippi at 75 years, which equates with that of Syria. The highest, at 81.3 years, is found in Hawaii and Cyprus. From the Atlantic: American life expectancy has leapt up some 30 years in the past century, and we now live roughly 79.8 years on average. That’s not terrible, but it’s not fantastic either: We rank 35th in the world as far as lifespan, nestled right between Costa Rica and Chile. But looking at life expectancy…
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