MondayPoem: Lines: The Cold Earth Slept Below

cold, English, MondayPoem, poet, romantic, Shelley, Technology
It’s been rather cold across much of the United States recently — even in areas of the South that rarely see below zero on a thermometer. So, how better to honor the cold than to soak in Shelley’s chillingly beautiful Lines. By Percy Bysshe Shelley:  Lines: The cold earth slept below The cold earth slept below;          Above the cold sky shone;                 And all around,                 With a chilling sound, From caves of ice and fields of snow The breath of night like death did flow                 Beneath the sinking moon. The wintry hedge was black;          The green grass was not seen;                 The birds did rest                 On the bare thorn’s breast, Whose roots, beside the pathway track, Had bound their folds o’er many a crack                 Which the…
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