Geoloqi Mobile “Geonotation” Platform Matures

Innovation, Mobile, Technology
We first took a brief look at Geoloqi in October 2010. Since then the company has not disappointed. For background, Geoloqi offers a mobile platform for tagging data, annotating, social sharing and messaging based on geo-location of a user. The server portion of platform provides an API for 3rd party developers to construct additional apps that leverage Geoloqi's geo-notation features. Here's a quick look at several key features of the Geoloqi mobile app and platform. 1. Personal Geonotes. The app allows a user to record a personal note tied to a specific location. The note can then be pushed to the user's smartphone when she gets to that location. It's a relatively simple process: click on a map, locate the specific place for the note, enter the text, and then…
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