95.5 Percent is Made Up and It’s Dark

Dark Ages, dark energy, dark matter, gravity, Petrarch, Standard Model, Technology
Physicists and astronomers observe the very small and the very big. Although they are focused on very different areas of scientific endeavor and discovery, they tend to agree on one key observation: 95.5 of the cosmos is currently invisible to us. That is, only around 4.5 percent of our physical universe is made up of matter or energy that we can see or sense directly through experimental interaction. The rest, well, it’s all dark — so-called dark matter and dark energy. But nobody really knows what or how or why. Effectively, despite tremendous progress in our understanding of our world, we are still in a global “Dark Age”. From the New Scientist: TO OUR eyes, stars define the universe. To cosmologists they are just a dusting of glitter, an insignificant…
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